resort_colony in common/static_modifiers/08_static_modifiers_megacorp.txt Most items (exclude "uses_district_industrial") in c ommon/scripted_triggers/01_scripted_triggers_buildings.txt Decisions assigning or abolishing special colonies in common/decisions/02_special_decisions.txt Special colonies capital buildings in common/buildings/00_capital_buildings.txt But I recommend some crime-overhaul mod (like " !Meaningful Crime Alternative (with even more Meangingful Crime)"), if vanilla crime is too little issue for you. Stellaris 3.0 reinforced criminal factor. "Stopping slavery solves their suffering and your low-productivity issue"? It is right but not-want-to-hear thing. Vanilla one is good for xeno-slavers, but overgrown slaves tend to drag your country as produce-almost-nothing Toilers. And make great your resort world in galaxy! Shiver with envy at news other countries assign resort in first.

If you are interested in better resort and its growing, try this overhaul mod.

In vanilla, you can assign some hell-to-live planet as a resort and forget.Īre you satisfied with it? Doesn't want to grow the resort a little better? Yes, Thrall and Penal Worlds are overhauled also! I expanded "Resort World Overhaul" concept for other special colonies.