
Bitcomet blocked yellow light
Bitcomet blocked yellow light

bitcomet blocked yellow light

GUI Bugfix: main window close button set to minimize to tray sometimes fails Core Improve: automatically adjust the MTU size after uTP connection established Core Improve: when connecting to uTP peers, prefer to use the previously connected remote port Core Improve: BT task sends the PEX message as soon as possible after connecting to a peer Core Improve: when advanced option bittorrent.utp_after_holepunch is set to auto, initiate uTP connection first, then try UDP hole punching after failure Core Bugfix: disconnect websocket connections when timeout Core Bugfix: data verify error for web seed downloading if there are files of the same size in the BT task v1.94 2022.9.11 New Feature: support the cloud service for remote connection, to let BitComet Mobile APP connects to the desktop edition of BitComet behind NAT/Firewall with end-to-end encryption.

bitcomet blocked yellow light bitcomet blocked yellow light

V1.95 2022.10.17 GUI Improve: new command in context menu of RSS list: Rename feed GUI Improve: enhance RSS download filter in Option dialog: rename and set task tag for each feed GUI Improve: after enable the expert mode, the BT task peer list shows the uTP MTU size GUI Improve: new advanced option: bittorrent.private_torrent_peer_hole_punch, supports UDP port hole_punch for private torrent without PEX GUI Improve: CPU usage of long-term seeding thread can be displayed in flow graph GUI Improve: at program startup, maximized window possibly not restored on the monitor when it was last exited GUI Improve: the max value of network.max_udp_pkt_per_sec changed to 1000000 from 10000 GUI Improve: display CPU usage and storage usage in Statistics list GUI Improve: web interface of remote download shows the full statistics list GUI Improve: change moving files for stopped task to asynchronous operation in background thread GUI Improve: the BT disk cache and long-term upload cache limit in option window increased to 1TB for 64-bit version GUI Improve: the peer status in the BT task peer list shows the failure count of TCP, uTP, and UDP hole punching respectively.

Bitcomet blocked yellow light